LOG_lblVersion=Version LOG_lblLang=Language LOG_lblUserId=User ID LOG_lblPassword=Password LOG_lblRemUserId=Remember User ID LOG_btnSignIn=Sign In LOG_lblForgotPassword=Forgot Password FRG_btnSubmit=Submit MFP_lblConnDevList=Connected Device List MFP_btnStart=Start MFP_btnDirectSelection=Direct Selection MFP_btnRefresh=Refresh MFP_colStatus=Status MFP_Waiting=Waiting MFP_Connected=Connected MFP_colSerialNum=Serial Number MFP_colModel=Model MFP_colRequestFrom=Request From MFP_colStartDate=Start Time MFP_ttlAccessCode=Enter Access Code MFP_lblAccessCode=Access Code: MFP_ttlDirectSelection=Enter Access Information MFP_lblSerialNumber=Serial Number: MFP_ttlChangePassword=Change Your Password MFP_lblCurrentPassword=Current Password: MFP_lblNewPassword=New Password: MFP_LblPasswordNew=New Password MFP_lblConfirmation=Confirmation: MFP_lblConfirmPassword=Confirmation Password MFP_ttlAccountInformation=Your Account Information MFP_lblUserID=User ID: MFP_lblName=Name: MFP_WWServer=W.W.RSPF MFP_ttlUserSettings=User Settings MFP_lblAutoPopupKeyboard=Automatic Display of Text Entry Screen MFP_lblEnabled=Enabled MFP_lblDisabled=Disabled ACC_lblAccountMng=Account Management ACC_ttlAccountList=Account List ACC_ttlRole=Role ACC_colUserId=User ID ACC_colName=Name ACC_colEmail=E-mail ACC_lblUserId=User ID: ACC_lblName=Name: ACC_lblPassword=Password: ACC_lblEmail=E-mail: ACC_lblRole=Role: ACC_lblPowerUser=Power User ACC_lblOption=Option ACC_lblCompany=Company: ACC_lblCountry=Country: ACC_ttlEditAccount=Edit Account ACC_ttlAddAccount=Add Account ACC_lblLock=Lock ACC_lblUnlock=Unlock ACC_lblResetPassword=Send Reset Password E-mail ACL_lblAccessLog=Access Log ACL_lblSerialNumber=Serial Number ACL_lblDate=Date ACL_btnExportAccessLog=Export ACL_ttlRoleAndUser=Role/UserID ACL_ttlAccessLogList=Access Log List ACL_ttlDispSetting=Display Setting ACL_itemName=Column Name ACL_itemDisp=Display ACL_colSerialNumber=Serial Number ACL_colModel=Model ACL_colGroup=Group ACL_colStartDatetime=Start Time ACL_colEndDatetime=End Time ACL_colUserId=User ID ACL_colRole=Role ACL_colOperationType=Operation Type ACL_colDetail=Detail ACL_colCompany=Company ACL_colCountry=Country CMN_btnOK=OK CMN_btnCancel=Cancel CMN_btnYes=Yes CMN_btnNo=No CMN_btnClear=Clear ROL_lblRoleOperateEdit=Edit Role ROL_lblRoleOperateAdd=Add Role ROL_lblRoleInformation=Role Information ROL_lblInstractionMsg=Select the device user can access. If you'd like to grant access to the entire group, turn its checkbox on. Semi-checked state indicates user can access some devices belonging to the group. ROL_lblRoleName=Role Name: ROL_lblDeviceAccessControl=Device Access Control ROL_ttlDeviceGroup=Device Group ROL_colGroup=Group ROL_ttlDeviceList=Device List ROL_colSerialNumber=Serial Number ROL_colModel=Model ROL_colName=Name ROL_colTelNumber=Tel Number ROL_lblUnlockAuthority=Unlock screen in service mode ROL_lblAllow=Allow ROL_lblNotAllow=Not Allow CON_lblConfiguration=Configuration CON_ttlEmailNotification=Email Notification CON_colNo=No CON_colEventName=Event Name CON_colNotify1=Notify 1 CON_colNotify2=Notify 2 CON_celMFPConnected=MFP Connected CON_celMFPDisconnected=MFP Disconnected CON_celUserOPStarted=User Operation Started CON_celUserOPFinished=User Operation Finished CON_ttlTelNumberSetting=Tel Number Setting CON_colPriority=Priority CON_colUse=Use CON_celDevice=Device CON_celGroup=Group CON_celDefault=Default DEV_lblDeviceMgt=Device Management DEV_ttlDeviceGroup=Device Group DEV_ttlDeviceList=Device List DEV_colGroup=Group DEV_colSerialNumber=Serial Number DEV_colModel=Model DEV_colName=Name DEV_colTelNumber=Tel Number DEV_colNotify1=Notify 1 DEV_colNotify2=Notify 2 DEV_lblGroupName=Group Name: DEV_lblSerialNumber=Serial Number: DEV_lblModel=Model: DEV_lblName=Name: DEV_lblNotify1=Notify1: DEV_lblNotify2=Notify2: DEV_lblTelNumber=Tel Number: DEV_chkNotifyGroup=Notify Group DEV_ttlEditGroup=Edit Group DEV_ttlAddGroup=Add Group DEV_ttlEditDevice=Edit Device DEV_ttlAddDevice=Add Device DEV_phMultiAddress=Multiple addresses separated by a semicolon EXP_lblDataExportImport=Data Export/Import EXP_lblCSVFormat=You can export or import the data in CSV format. EXP_lblDeviceGroupList=Device Group List EXP_btnExport=Export EXP_btnBrowse=Browse EXP_btnImport=Import EXP_lblDeviceList=Device List EXP_lblAccountList=Account List EXP_lblUserLoginList=Login List EXP_lblCautionTitle=Caution: EXP_lblCautionText=If you execute the import, the server data will be overwritten. OPE_btnCloseRemotePanel=Close Remote Panel OPE_ttlOperationalDetail=Enter operational details OPE_lblOperationType=Operation Type: OPE_phOperationType=Select operation type... OPE_optUserSupport=User Support OPE_optSettingChange=Setting Change OPE_optMaintenance=Maintenance OPE_optScreenShare=Screen Share (No Operation) OPE_optOther=Other OPE_lblDetail=Detail: OPE_phDetail=Enter your operation detail... OPE_mnuSetting=Setting OPE_mnuSound=Sound OPE_mnuPanelClickEffect=Panel Click Effect OPE_mnuTransferMode=Transfer Mode OPE_mnuNormal=Normal OPE_mnuDifferential=Differential OPE_mnuLanguageSelection=Language Selection MSG_ERR_LoginFailed=Login Failed. MSG_ERR_ServerLoginFailed=Login Failed. Cannot connect to the Remote Panel Server. MSG_UnsupportedBrowser=This web browser doesn't support Remote Panel. MSG_ERR_EmptyUserId=User ID has not been entered. MSG_ERR_EmptyUserName=User Name has not been entered. MSG_ERR_EmptyCurrentPassword=Current password has not been entered. MSG_ERR_InvalidNewPassword=New Password must be at least 6 characters. MSG_ERR_PasswordNotMatch=New Password and Confirmation Password do not match. MSG_ERR_EmptySerialNumber=Serial Number has not been entered. MSG_ERR_InvalidSerialNumber=Serial Number must be 13 characters. MSG_ERR_NoDeviceFound=Unable to find a device capable of Remote Panel operations. MSG_ERR_FailedGetDeviceList=Failed to acquire the device list. MSG_ERR_ServerUnableToConnect=Unable to connect to the Remote Panel Server. MSG_ERR_DeviceNotActive=Cannot operate the device. It has been disconnected. MSG_ERR_InvalidAccessCode=Incorrect Access Code entered. MSG_ERR_DeviceUnableToConnect=Unable to communicate with the device. MSG_RemotePanelTerminate=Remote Panel Operations were terminated. MSG_AccountUpdate=User Information has been updated. MSG_PasswordUpdated=Password has changed. MSG_ERR_LogoutFail=Logout Failed. MSG_LandscapeMode=Changing to landscape mode is recommended. MSG_CNF_CloseConfirmation=Remote Operation will be terminated. Do you want to cancel remote operation of the device? MSG_CNF_BrowserCloseConfirmation=To properly release the remote state of the device, please close this page by using the [[0]] button. MSG_CNF_ClearLog=Do you want to clear the Log? MSG_DivSelectOperationType=Select Operation Type. MSG_ERR_EmptyGroupName=Group name has not been entered. MSG_ERR_InvalidFormatNotify1=Invalid Notify 1 Email Address Format MSG_ERR_InvalidFormatNotify2=Invalid Notify 2 Email Address Format MSG_CNF_DeleteGroup=Do you want to delete the selected group? MSG_CNF_DeleteDevice=Do you want to delete the selected devices(s)? MSG_CNF_DeleteRole=Do you want to delete the selected role? MSG_CNF_DeleteAccount=Do you want to delete the selected account(s)? MSG_ERR_InvalidPassword=The password must be at least 6 characters. MSG_ERR_EmptyRoleName=Role Name has not been entered. MSG_TerminateByOtherClient=Remote Panel Operations were terminated by another client. MSG_Import_Succeeded=Data Import succeeded. MSG_ERR_Import_Failed=Data Import Failed. MSG_ERR_Invalid_File_Format=Invalid File Format MSG_Processing=Processing…. MSG_ERR_EmptyEmailAddress=E-mail address has not been entered. MSG_ERR_InvalidEmailAddress=Please enter a valid E-mail address. MSG_ERR_InvalidUserIdLength=User ID does not meet the minimum length requirement. MSG_User_Account_Locked=User account has been locked. MSG_User_Account_Unlocked=User account has been unlocked. MSG_Reset_Password_Sent=Reset password e-mail has been sent to user's e-mail address. MSG_Forgot_Password_Sent=An e-mail has been sent to you. Please follow the instructions in the e-mail to set a new password. MSG_ERR_InputUserId=Please input User ID. MSG_ComplexityPopover1=You can use the following characters for password. || Your password must match at least 3 of the following conditions. ||・Uppercase letters (A to Z). || ・Lowercase letters (a to z).|| ・Numeric letters (0 to 9).|| ・Special characters (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/). MSG_ComplexityPopover=You can use the following characters for password. ||・Uppercase letters (A to Z). || ・Lowercase letters (a to z).|| ・Numeric letters (0 to 9).|| ・Special characters (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/). SVR_ERR_ENHANCED_SECURITY_OPERATION=You cannot continue this operation. Please contact your administrator. MSG_Successinfo=Your password has been reset successfully. Please login to continue. MSG_UserSettingUpdate=User settings updated successfully. CMN_mnuMfpSelection=MFP Selection CMN_mnuDeviceList=Device List CMN_mnuAdministration=Administration CMN_mnuAccountManagement=Account Management CMN_mnuExportImport=Data Export/Import CMN_mnuAccessLog=Access Log CMN_mnuConfiguration=Configuration CMN_mnuHelp=Help CMN_mnuDebugLog=View Debug Log CMN_mnuManualDownload=Manual Download CMN_mnuAdminManual=Administrator's Manual CMN_mnuUserManual=User's Manual CMN_mnuMyAccount=Edit My Account CMN_mnuChangePass=Change Password CMN_mnuLogout=Logout CMN_dlgDebugLog=Debug Log CMN_dlgTitle=Remote Panel CMN_Warning=Warning! CMN_Error=Error! CMN_Caution=Caution: CMN_Info=Information: CMN_ErrorDetail=Error Detail: CMN_mnuUserSettings=User Settings SVR_CNF_001=The information was updated by another user. Do you want to overwrite it? SVR_ERR_101=Login Failed. The User ID or Password is incorrect. SVR_ERR_102=Current password is incorrect. SVR_ERR_103=Failed to move the device. SVR_ERR_104=Failed to move the account. SVR_ERR_105=Operation Failed. Data was deleted by another user. Please refresh the screen. SVR_ERR_106=Cannot delete built-in data. SVR_ERR_107=Cannot edit built-in data. SVR_ERR_108=Cannot delete data. Data is in use. SVR_ERR_109=Cannot edit date. Data is in use. SVR_ERR_110=Cannot register device. The registration count has reached the maximum limit. SVR_ERR_111=Failed to update user settings. SVR_ERR_200=Specified Group Name is already in use. SVR_ERR_201=Specified Device Name is already in use. SVR_ERR_202=Specified Role Name is already in use. SVR_ERR_203=Specified User ID is already in use. SVR_ERR_204=The group has been deleted by another user. Please select another Group. SVR_ERR_205=The role was deleted by another user. Please select another role. SVR_ERR_206=Cannot update data. Data length has exceeded the maximum limit. SVR_ERR_207=Database Storage procedure not found. SVR_ERR_300=Invalid File Format SVR_ERR_301=Import Data cannot be found. SVR_ERR_302=First row of data is invalid. Retry after data has been corrected. SVR_ERR_303=Import succeeded up to row number [[0]]. Row number [[1]] contains invalid data. Retry after data has been corrected. SVR_ERR_304=Import succeeded up to row number [[0]]. Cannot import the data from row [[1]] because data key cannot be found. SVR_ERR_305=Import succeeded up to row number [[0]]. Cannot register anymore?. The registration count has reached the maximum limit. SVR_ERR_306=Import succeeded up to row number [[0]]. Row number [[1]] violates enhanced security setting policies. Retry after data has been corrected. SVR_ERR_400=Server Error has occurred. Please check with your Server Administrator. SVR_ERR_401=Login Session has expired. Please login again. SVR_INFO_501=You must set your initial password to activate your account. SVR_ERR_502=Your account or password has expired.
Please reset your password using the [Forgot Password] link. SVR_ERR_503=This account is temporarily locked. Please try again later or contact your administrator. SVR_ERR_504=Your account or password has expired.
Please reset your password using the [Forgot Password] link. SVR_ERR_516=Please input new password. SVR_ERR_517=Please input confirmation password. SVR_ERR_522=New password does not match the confirmation password. SVR_ERR_523=New password cannot be the same as old password. SVR_ERR_524=New password does not meet the password requirements. SVR_ERR_526=This User ID is not registered in the system. SVR_ERR_527=Failed to lock user account. SVR_ERR_528=Only forced locked or temporarily locked user account can be unlocked by this functionality. SVR_ERR_529=Failed to unlock user account. SVR_ERR_530=You cannot continue this operation as Enhanced Security setting is disabled. SVR_ERR_531=This account is locked. SVR_ERR_532=You cannot send reset password e-mail as this account does not have e-mail address. SVR_ERR_533=Failed to generate reset password link for user account. SVR_ERR_534=This user is already locked.